Barry Loberfeld
Pretty simply put!
What other thing is arrogant enough to
wreck something and then claim to be the only entity that can fix it!
Our gubment does that all the time!
But, to understand the comment, STATISM must be defined.
Statism is essentially when the gubment becomes the most important thing in society - omniscient, omnipotent, and omnigood!
The philosopher Georg Hegel said that the
state is "God walking on earth." His thinking influenced the political
thinking of another philosopher, one Karl Marx.
While a Constitution places limits on
gubment influence and activity, statism would do the opposite, removing
such restrictions through lawmaking until the final stage of fascism or totalitarianism is reached. THE GOAL OF STATISM IS 100% STATE!
It takes two forms, societal and economic.
Societal statism -
there would be no "of, by and for the people" as sovereignty would rest
in the state. Individuals exist to contribute to the power and
influence of the state. "The people" would look to the state to provide
what they typically and formerly would have provided for themselves.
Morality is found in service to the state. This statist influence would
extend into all aspects of the individual's life - education, health,
finance, religion, housing, etc. Statism, therefore, would refer to any
state-sponsored political movement that advocates reliance upon the
state to build the socialist society.
Economic statism -
the state directs the economy, either through direct intervention with
state-directed businesses (GM perhaps?), and state-sponsored
organizations (Fannie Mae anyone?), or indirectly through economic
planning (monetary and fiscal policy). This intervention should be
referred to as state socialism. It only grows as the bureaucracy
grows. It's primary economic influence is THE BUREAUCRACY.
As it plans and implements its programs, even when the citizens resist
(health "care"), at the same time it plans many new bureaucracies and
hides many taxes that feed it. Bureaucracy screws up and creates more
bureaucracy to "fix" the screw ups! The gubment spends to the point of
extreme deficit and claims the necessity of additional "revenue
enhancements" as the only cure, along with "cuts" in "future" rates of growth! The vicious cycle only feeds the
It slowly removes and incorporates more and more of the body that sustains it!
Support for the growth of the state, or
statism, is more commonly found among liberals than among
conservatives. It was, after all, Ronald Reagan, who said the ten most
frightening words in the English language are, "Hi, I'm from the
gubment, and I'm here to help."
Surely unchecked growth is a cancerous disease that can only prescribe unchecked growth
as the cure. Eventually all cancers reach the point of critical mass
and the body can no longer survive its parasite. And the body dies.
When in economic history has that not been the outcome?
It is impossible to cure any entrenched disease that
is eating the body from the inside out. Before it gets too large, or
entrenched, the disease needs to be removed and the remaining cavity
filled with newly-generated, healthy material.
THAT represents real change!
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