Hans-Hermann Hoppe
Austrian School Economist
Austrian School Economist
Not to sound too cynical, but how can we
save and invest when we are spending all our discretionary money, well,
after paying our own taxes and the taxes of those who don't think they
should pay taxes, spending all our discretionary money on inferior
products made elsewhere, products that don't last long so we can buy the
newer version again a couple of years later!
Oh, don't forget the extended warranty.
"They" say we "don't manufacture anything
here anymore." Can we? Wouldn't those things be too expensive? They
have to be made somewhere else or we couldn't afford all those things we
Well, that is pretty cynical!
But is that where we are?
What are factors of production? The
traditional economic definition would say that land, labor, capital and
entrepreneurship are invested in the production of goods and services in the attempt to make a profit. Those things invested make up the factors of production.
And what does it mean to "invest" those things? Investment means to devote time, energy or money toward something with the expectation of a worthwhile result.
What you say? Taxes are NOT an
investment? Only in certain circles! And those circles are all outside
the thinking of the gubment and the bureaucrat. Thinking of taxes as
investments is Animal Farm
two-leg talk! Remember, the gubment produces nothing! It is sustained
from monies taken FROM the private sector, and does not add TO it.
Each dollar taken FROM the private sector does not go TOWARD profit made possible by the employment of factors of production.
The growth of gubment, beyond its means and
beyond measure(!), is truly how resources, meaning factors of
production, are misallocated, overutilized and vandalized. And the
bigger it gets, the less that is left for savings and investment,
infrastructure and economic development. That's why the super influx of
cheap products are so important! So, buy, buy, buy!
Be sure to buy two, because the first will break soon anyway.
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