Friday, November 8, 2013

The Opposite Of Free Enterprise

"The state is as God walking on the earth.  The state in and by itself is the ethical whole, the actualization of freedom; and it is an absolute end of reason that freedom should be actual.  The state is mind on earth and consciously realizing itself there.  In considering freedom, the starting point must not be individuality, the single self-consciousness, but only the essence of self-consciousness; for whether man knows it or not, this essence is externally realized as a self-subsistent power in which single individuals are only moments.  The march of God in the world, that is what the state is."

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831)

The starting point of freedom must not be individuality?

That sounds like Borg-speak in the "Star Trek" series - where one and all is each contributing to the "collective."

Hegel spoke of difficult concepts as to how the mind and spirit manifest themselves in a series of contradictions and oppositions, the master/slave dialectic (with dialectic meaning speculative logic), and absolute idealism.  It is said he is best known for his propositions regarding thesis-antithesis-synthesis triad thinking, which is now thought to have concealed his atheism.  Using such conceptually hard-to-understand "logic" made him attractive to other "thinkers," and he was later interpreted by British idealism, Marxism and Fascism. 

Of course the statement above would virtually define the statist and statism.  The statist believes that the gubment is the ultimate authority on earth, and the source of law, rights (extended and denied), moral thinking and religious righteousness. 

The statist thinks of the gubment as sovereign, and therefore not subject to such things as a Biblical foundation, religion or ethics, or natural law.  Rights would not be an endowment from God, but from the state, and can, therefore, be doled out however and to whomever the gubment pleases.  The statist gubment expresses what is a right and what is not.

Orwell said it correctly in his book Animal Farm, where it is stated that in the farmyard all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.  Station is awarded by the two legs in charge.  Where "four legs" all start out as good and all "two legs" bad, those who eventually become the new "two legs" are self proclaimed as good.  And the four legs, therefore, all become bad.

It takes the obedient sheep, with their blind support, to cement the new lie as a truth, by continually saying, "Four legs good, two legs better," which changes eventually to "Two legs good, four legs bad."

Statism can only work by force and coercion.  
Statism can only work by attacking opposite thinking, converting it from good to bad.
Statism can only work by controlling individuality and freedom by making it subservient and momentary, and making the state itself, as Hegel says, the "ethical whole, the actualization of freedom."
Statism has to become, therefore, God walking on the earth.  No other God can be allowed to exist.

No matter how often the sheep repeat all this,
it is NOT true. 

The statist is not ethical and does not redefine freedom.

Statism is the opposite of free enterprise.

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